A lot of players have said that Console PS3 version Diablo 3 Gold and items loot are much better than PC version, would you buy D3 console because of this? A large number players already own the copy of PC but still decided to buy the PS3. In their view, they are not the same game even. Even if you do not what console control like, you can still download the PS3 Demon version. Most players would decide to buy the console after they have tried the demon version. Would you buy Diablo 3 console PS3 version?
Yes, I would. PS3 and PC are quite different games. I am quite disappointed with the PC. Console version gives quite a lot of fun in farming and crafting. You would always get what you want. For example, if you play Monk, you would get Fist Weapon instead of Wind Force for Demon Hunter. The Dexterity on the items are higher than the strength stats.
No, I would not. When Loot 2.0 and Paragon 2.0 comes out, PC version would even better than than PS3 currently. There is no need to spend extra money to play the same game and the same story line. It sounds like Watch the same movie both on 3D and normal version.
It depends. Playing game with friends would be much more fun. If my friends get the PS3, I would. If no one around me get the console version, I would definitely not buy it even it is much better than the PC. Playing alone would suck.