Greeting adventure, our PVP Contest is nearly the end. In the end of the month we would choose the champion to get the big prize. The player who want to participate in this competitive should grasp the time and invite your friend come here. Each participant would get the member points as a reward. 100 member points = 5000k Gold in, would you want to try?
Recently, we received two couples of players’PVP video. There are EU lucwen#2390 EU PanzerPunch#2993, EU Roukipatch#2871, EU Apachai#2505.
The first Video is the EU lucwen#2390 Vs EU Roukipatch#2871. As you can see that Lucwen is the Barbarian and Roukipatch is the Wizard. The match resulted is the Barbarian Vs Wizard: 2:3. So, the winner is Wizard Roukipatch!
The second video is the EU PanzerPunch#2993 Vs EU Apachai#2505. From the video we can notice the PanzerPunch is the Monk and Apachai play as Barbarian. Obviously, the competition result is the PanzerPunch Monk Vs Apachai Barbarian: 4:1. In the end, Monk is the winner.
According to the rules, the next competition is the Monk Vs Wizard, who will be the Winner? Please keep eyes on us! In addition, there are two players in different servers need the opponent. No matter the US server or the EU server, we need your positive participation.