The Follower Story Contest Rules has been set three days ago. This time, we would tell our participants how we would evaluate the works the players hand in. This would increase the chance for our players to win the top awards. reserve the explanation rights of this contest. Generally there are three steps for us to evaluate a follower story.
Step 1: Original works evaluation. We have mentioned in the rules that the story should be original. As long as the story has more than 300 words and attached with some screen shots, it is obligable for the final contest. We have a mechanism to test if the story is original or not. Then we would contact the participants personally to discuss it. You would get lucky awards as long as you hand in a follower story.
Step 2: Screen shots and story length. It would be better if you would attach every paragraph with a screen shot. As we are in an English community, it should be written in English so we can share the story in our community.
Step 3: Content of the story. As you can see that, we pay more attention to the participation instead of the content of the story. If you have paid a lot of effort in this contest, I bet you would win the award you want definitely. To gain the first prize of 50,000,000 D3 Gold, you need to take a unique theme and angle.
The award list would be released at the end of this week. We are waiting for your masterpiece. But it is only three days away. Hurry up and take up your pen to begin your follower story. It does not matter if this story is about Kormac the Templar, Lyndon the Scoundrel or Eirena the Enchantress. Your participation is what we are looking for. Come and join us right now.