Currently you can always search various builds for all classes. Whenever we see a new build, we would like to have a try. But we would find that not all the new builds are suitable for you. The wrong build would waste your energy as well as the Diablo 3 Gold. Actually we can build a new build according to our own view. The result is less important as we could have a pleasant feeling at least. My demon Hunter has two main skill builds. One is to get fast Diablo 3 Power Leveling. And the other is to loot in high Monster Power.
My main stats are as follows:
Strength 568
Dexterity 2543
Intelligence 374
Vitality 1048
Armor 4173
Damage 114698
Life 45100
Discipline 39
The build below is used to power level:
I often use this build to get fast D3 Power Leveling in low Paragon Level. I believe in low Monster Power, as long as you have enough DPS, the main advantage would be the movement speed. So the passive skill Tactical Advantage would be necessary which would increase your movement speed by 60% when you vault. And you would be able to finish the whole map quickly. The main damage skill I choose is Bola Shot, a good AOE damage skill. Cast the skill along the way. If your Hatred is in shortage, you would better to choose Bat Companion or use the passive skill Vengeance.
Loot skill builds in low Monster Power:
Compared with the power leveling skill build, there is no big change:
Left mouse skill: Bola Shot- Thunder Ball
Right mouse skill: Spike Trap- Echoing Blast
Skill four Companion- Boar Companion
Passive skill Custom Engineering
This build I can stand still to fight in Monster Power Five except the Molten Champions:
The important points:
Perfectionist is to decrease the consumption of Discipline, increase the Armor, one of necessary skill.
Boar Companion, if your all resistance is enough, you could change this skill.
Main damage skill is Spike Trap- Echoing Blast.
What’s more with the passive skill Custom Engineering, you could set six traps. Generally, you could kill the Elites at ease. And all the traps would be helpful to trap the monsters. The basic attack order is left mouse skill and right mouse skill in circle. Every 1.2 seconds there would be one blast. There would be 3-4 blast in one second. And every second=275%*3.5=962% weapon damage. I would personally recommend changing the ring to increase the Spike Trap damage Stone of Jordan. The same case could be applied for the Chest Armor. When your DPS is 150K, you could not match a 100K DPS monk with the 18% weapon damage Spike Trap.
This skill build suits me perfectly. But this is not for every player. Builds combination should be according to personal control and equipments. Don’t worry, as long as you have a willing heart, you would find one build that suits you most.